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Program Committee

The role of the Program Committee is to collaborate with the Executive Director to identify and produce educational workshops and other programs, including the Lone Rangers and the MetroWest Communicators.  The Committee and the Executive Director identify topics and speakers, determines yearly program calendar, establishes fee structures, and assists with marketing of workshops and programs. The Committee also works with the board to create a yearly theme for programs. The Committee is comprised of board and non-board members and is the major avenue for identification of potential new board members.

Governance Committee

The Governance Committee is responsible for ensuring the smooth functioning of the board. Its primary function is to recruit and train new board members. The Committee monitors the board’s composition, identifies missing qualities and skills, solicits nominations, interviews potential candidates and makes recommendations to the board. The Committee orients all new members and ensures they are equipped with the proper skills and motivation to carry out duties as board members. The Committee also ensures that relevant policies are in place and coordinates any strategic planning efforts and strategic partnerships. The Governance Committee is comprised solely of board members.

Development Committee

The purpose of the Development Committee is to help the board carry out its due diligence function related to assuring the fiscal health through fund development. The Committee establishes yearly fundraising goals, including those for sponsorships, corporate and foundation grants, and individual giving. The Committee identifies potential funding prospects and devises strategies for approaching these prospects. The Committee also monitors the board’s giving to ensure 100% participation. The Development Committee is comprised of board and non-board members.