Certificate Class of 2023

The third annual Nonprofit Management Certificate Program for Practitioners has started successfully with a record-breaking class of 27 participants. We see the growth in enrollment as a testament to the program’s value and the importance of effective nonprofit management.

The program’s design to provide practical information for nonprofit leaders is crucial, as it equips them with the tools and knowledge needed to lead their organizations effectively. Furthermore, the opportunity for participants to expand their professional networks by connecting with colleagues and local experts is invaluable. Collaborative relationships and a strong network can greatly benefit the nonprofit sector. This year’s cohort is quite diverse, representing various geographical areas (19), nonprofit sectors (10), and organizations (25). This diversity can lead to a rich exchange of ideas and experiences, fostering a more comprehensive and inclusive understanding of nonprofit management.

We are grateful for the partnership with Framingham State University and the incredible support of our program sponsors and the community of nonprofit professionals who help make this initiative possible.