From the Director – Jan 18, 2021

January 18, 2021

Dear Friends,
Today as we honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. we are reminded of his words – “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

MWNN is proud to join in collaboration with Leadership MetroWest as we begin a series of virtual conversations that will create opportunities for dialogue about the things that matter and how we move from words to action.
This series of facilitated candid conversations will create a space for you to:

  • recognize why engaging in dialogue is valuable, even if difficult
  • reflect on where you are in your personal antiracism journey
  • share and hear differing perspectives and experiences
  • build and clarify a shared language for discussions
  • answer the question…”What can I do?”

 Programs in the series will help you:

  • comprehend the history of racism and process traumatic current events
  • assess where your organization is in identifying and addressing racism
  • challenge assumptions and call out bias
  • engage in being an effective ally and advocate for equity and justice    
  • initiate actions to propel good intentions to meaningful impact  

These conversations are all in the context of “what can we do?” and how can we sustain our efforts to be effective antiracist leaders in our MetroWest organizations, institutions, businesses, nonprofits, and communities.

Join us for any or all of the six-monthly programs*, featuring different guest facilitators. Registration is FREE. Future conversations in the series will be responsive to the needs expressed by participants. We look forward to learning with you.

Anna C. Cross Ed.D
Executive Director