June 2nd – MWNN/FSU Nonprofit Management Certificate Program for Practitioners 2022 – 12:30 – 1:30 PM

We are thrilled to announce the return of the MWNN/FSU Nonprofit Management Certificate Program for September 2022.
Please join us for an information session to learn more about the program and hear first-hand feedback from 2021 graduates.
Launched in 2021 as a collaborative effort between the MetroWest Nonprofit Network and Framingham State University the goal of the program is to provide current and future nonprofit leaders with the skills, information, and resources they need to lead effective and efficient nonprofit organizations.
The MWNN/FSU program is designed for:Individuals with diverse identities and lived experience who are interested in furthering their knowledge and skills as nonprofit leadersAspiring and emerging leadersMid-level nonprofit managersIndividuals seeking to change careers and enter the nonprofit sector
All program instructors and guest speakers are nonprofit practitioners with lived experience and expertise.

Applications are now available at https://metrowestnonprofit.org/certificate/Scholarships are available for those who require tuition assistance.
Please visit our website for more information.