Nonprofits are The Heartbeat of our Communities

August 14, 2024

To the Editor:

This week we celebrated National Nonprofit Day. It is an annual event that makes me deeply grateful for the services nonprofits provide our local communities. Each of us benefit daily from the support of these organizations. In the past few weeks, I have enjoyed Natick Nights hosted by my town’s Cultural Council, attended an open house at Project Rise, volunteered to build back-to-school backpacks, and more. 

Our local nonprofits are the heartbeat of our communities. They have their finger on the pulse of the community and work relentlessly to provide the critical programs that address our most pressing local needs. They connect us and cultivate the growth that helps our towns become places we love to call home.

At the MetroWest Nonprofit Network, I have the privilege of working with many of the over 6,000 nonprofits in our region. Every day, I witness the transformative power of these organizations, their dedicated staff, and the volunteers who provide an incredible range of services to our hometowns.

Our nonprofits come in all sizes and their collective impact is immeasurable. They are here for our veterans, they provide housing, educate our youth, and steward our land. They enrich all of our lives, fill critical gaps, create a community of belonging, and provide jobs to thousands in our region. 

How can you help? As we mark this Nonprofit Day, remember the causes close to your heart. Nonprofits need your support every day, and I hope you will use this day of recognition to uplift the organizations that are here for you, your neighbors, and our community. There are many ways to make a meaningful contribution by sharing your time, talent, and financial support. To learn more about our region’s nonprofits, reach out to us at the MetroWest Nonprofit Network:

Leah Parker-Moldover

Executive Director 

MetroWest NonProfit Network

Leah Parker-Moldover, a resident of Natick, is the Executive Director of MetroWest Nonprofit Network, an organization dedicated to empowering and connecting nonprofit organizations across the region.