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Ivy Child International

35 Beharrell St #1265, Concord, MA

“Helping Each Child Achieve Their Best” – Ivy Child enhances the social and emotional well-being of children by recognizing their multicultural needs, using education and positive psychology as a uniting force to inspire resilience and leadership. We encourage and enable families to participate in the growth of their child and strive to be a leading resource for caregivers, educators, and community organizations to receive guidance and instruction on creating a healthy child-centered environment.


"Helping Each Child Achieve Their Best" - Ivy Child enhances the social and emotional well-being of children by recognizing their multicultural needs, using education and positive psychology as a uniting force to inspire resilience and leadership. We encourage and enable families to participate in the growth of their child and strive to be a leading resource for caregivers, educators, and community organizations to receive guidance and instruction on creating a healthy child-centered environment.


We are a Massachusetts-based 501(c) (3) nonprofit devoted to universal mindfulness education, prioritizing the multicultural needs of children and communities, with a special focus on urban populations.


We are often asked, “What’s the best way to contribute?” Our answer is simple: We need passionate supporters to spread awareness and help raise money about the challenges people face in urban systems. And, we rely heavily on the support of our partners and volunteers to join us in service to breakdown systemic barriers impacting diverse communities.

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