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Lunch and Learn

We’ve launched the Lunch and Learn series to connect you to each other and invited guests to dig deeper on topics that are timely and relevant. These will not be one-way conversations – no hour-long PowerPoint presentations, no drinking from a fire hose of information – just one hour to talk about the issues that are most important to you and your organization. We are intentionally building this program to be responsive and flexible. Watch for our monthly email blasts about Lunch and Learn programs.


  • June 12, 2024, 12:00 pm 1:00 pm

    As the temperature rises, so does the opportunity for a shift in our routines and priorities. Summer offers a natural break, inviting us to pause, recharge, and recalibrate. Led by MWNN Executive Director, Leah Parker-Moldover, this discussion will provide a space to explore your summer plans and how you and your organization can approach the…

You can now install the MWNN app to connect, collaborate, strengthen, and act - on the go!
