
Volunteer Appreciation Guide

  • Give them a call
  • Send a Thank You email
  • Thank you video from your Executive Director
  • Have program participants film a thank you message
  • Send them your annual reports (impact reports)
  • Send out an electronic survey about their volunteer experience (example questions on next page)
    Appreciation Event Ideas
  • Volunteer party
  • Host a Potluck Dinner for Volunteers
  • Volunteer outings to local venues
  • Offer education opportunities for volunteers (depending on their roles)
  • Lunch with a Leader (ED, Board Member, etc)
    Volunteer Appreciation Ideas for Social Media
  • Create short videos celebration volunteers’ contributions and post
  • Add LinkedIn endorsements
  • Write a blog post about volunteer groups or individuals
    More Ideas
  • Send a personal note card
  • Write a reference letter
  • Create a “VIP” parking spot for volunteers
  • Have a seat on your board to represent volunteers
  • Dedicate places in your office or buildings to volunteers
  • Create special volunteer name tags
  • Recognize volunteers at an existing event
  • Recognize volunteers for length of service
  • Recognize your volunteers in Annual Report
  • Create a public thank you bulletin board to thank volunteers
  • Swag
  • Raffle off donated items (tickets or other item) to volunteers
  • Career building opportunities (offer mentoring, shadowing, networking, workshops, etc)

Appreciation Guide

Volunteer Satisfaction Survey Question Suggestions
Make sure to get general demographic and position information from your volunteers so that you are able
to see if there are any patterns with responses (ie younger vs. older volunteers, men vs. women, one
department vs. another department, etc). You may also want to consider having your survey be
anonymous to ensure that volunteers feel comfortable giving feedback.

  • How likely is it that you would recommend volunteering at ORGANIZATION to a friend or
    colleague (this is a scale question 1-10 and is known as the Net Promoter Score).
  • Overall, I am satisfied as a volunteer of ORGANIZATION (1-4 Scale)
  • ORGANIZATION cares about its volunteer (1-4 Scale)
  • I receive the information I need regarding my volunteer role (1-4 Scale)
  • My volunteer supervisor shows appreciation for the work that I do (1-4 Scale)
  • My volunteer job description accurately reflects what I am asked to do (1-4 Scale)
  • I have received the training I need to perform my volunteer duties (1-4 Scale)
  • I feel like I am part of a team helping to fulfill the mission of ORGANIZATION (1-4 Scale)
  • I am provided opportunities for growth in my volunteer role (1-4 Scale)
  • What do you love about volunteering with ORGANIZATION
  • What would you want to change about volunteering with ORGANIZATION

Business Contact:
Carla S. Beaudoin, Founder & Chief Impact Officer

[email protected]
(781) 281-8240

http://useful tools